Asiana Offers $10,000 to Flight 214 Crash Victims

Asiana Crash Side Courtesy of the NTSB

Asiana Airlines is offering $10,000 to each surviving passenger aboard Flight 214, which crashed on approach to San Francisco International Airport in July.

The money is being made available to all 288 surviving passengers, including those who received no injuries as a result of the accident. According to Asiana spokespeople, the money is being given independent of medical compensation and does not preclude passengers from suing the company. According to a South Korean news report, however, the offer comes with eight stipulations that have not been disclosed to the press by Asiana.

There were 307 individuals on board the Asiana Boeing 777 when it crashed into a seawall short of the runway at San Francisco on July 6. Of those, 291 were passengers, including three individuals who died as a result of the accident. Asiana has reportedly already made payments to the families of the deceased, but the company has not revealed the amounts.

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