
NTSB Releases Safety Alert Videos

Short videos address common causes of accidents.

The NTSB is continuing to work toward increasing GA safety, a topic that has been on the agency’s most wanted list since 2011. One way the NTSB is bringing accident-prone topics to life this summer is by publishing five short videos, three to five minutes in length, each addressing common causes of accidents.

The first video, released this week, is titled “Is your aircraft talking to you? Listen!” NTSB Investigator and aircraft owner Catherine Gagne discusses how maintenance related accidents happen. She uses several real-life stories to highlight the seriousness of ignoring or minimizing maintenance issues. Gagne also provides five things pilots can do to avoid maintenance related incidents or accidents.

Referring to her own airplane being parked as a result maintenance issues, Gagne concludes the video by saying “I’d rather be here talking about the disappointment of having my aircraft ownership dream transform into a maintenance nightmare than to ever risk having to face what these pilots have gone through and the heartbreak of their friends, family and communities are still going through today.”

The other four videos will be released through the rest of this month on NTSB’s YouTube channel. Each release will be announced on Twitter.

View the first video in the series here.

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