S&S; Aviation
In our FBO Spotlight series, we're highlighting FBOs around the country that have received rave reviews from our readers. This latest Spotlight is brought to you by G. Mason, who frequently flies into Cherokee County Airport in a PA-24. Here’s what he has to say about the airport’s FBO.
S&S Aviation
Canton, Georgia
“I fly into KNCI a couple times a year and always have a great experience with the staff at S&S Aviation. They are not one of the big chains but the facilities are modern and clean. It is the staff that really makes this one of my favorite FBOs. They are friendly and always helpful. They act like they want and appreciate my business. In the past, they have put my plane in a hangar during bad weather, had the rental car running with the air conditioning on when I arrived on a hot day, helped me unload, cover and tie down the plane, and even towed the plane to the self-serve pumps and filled it for me when the fuel truck was not available. This weekend they opened early so I could take off earlier than planned to get ahead of weather that was headed that way. Coffee was ready and they took care of the rental car so we could get out as fast as possible. Every time I am there, they do something that keeps them at the top of my favorite FBO list.”
To learn more about this FBO, visit www.ssaviation.us.
Do you have a great FBO story you'd like to share with fellow aviators? Take this survey and tell us about it, or e-mail bethany.whitfield@bonniercorp.com.

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