Embraer Legacy 650 in Photos

Building off the Legacy 600, the Legacy 650 brings to the table greater range, better fuel efficiency and the latest in comfort and safety.

**There is a stark contrast between the no-nonsense cockpit and the no-worries cabin of the Legacy 650. **
In both places, form and function coexist effortlessly.
**Embraer went with larger, 16-inch wheels and larger, more powerful brakes for the heavier 650. **
**The fan of the new Rolls-Royce AE 3007A2 engine features wider-chord blades and a more efficient leading edge for greater fuel efficiency. **
**The height of the 650, despite no changes in structure, is five inches less than the 600, because of the greatly increased weight. **
The overhead panel looks daunting, but the breakers and switches are arranged to accommodate an easy flow.
**The distinctive “ram’s horn” yokes are stylish and effective. Flight controls are a mix of hydraulic and mechanical. **
**The galley of the 650 features ovens, cold storage, and plenty of room for food preparation even for trans-Atlantic flights. **
For more, check out Robert Goyer's in-depth story on the Embraer Legacy 650.
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