Five Great Flying Is… Videos

Since we launched our second "Flying Is…" video contest late last year, we've received a slew of amazing aviation footage submitted by our readers. Here are five great videos that showcase the amazing kinds of flying performed by pilots like you around the world on any given day.

Flying Is a Door to New Worlds

Flying reader Hilton Mundy recently made a four-day trip flying two RV-7s from Cape Town, South Africa, to Namibia. Check out the stunning views from the journey.

Flying Is Contentment

In this video Flying reader Darin Scheer captures the indescribable serenity of flying in a Backcountry Super Cub SQ-2.

Flying Is Getting Upside Down

For those in the mood for a less peaceful ride, Flying reader Larry Clark captured this footage while getting upside down in his 8KCAB Decathlon.

Flying Is a Blast

Flying reader Joel Jungemann submitted this footage of Super Cub flying in Alaska. To say it looks like a blast is a bit of an understatement.

Flying Is Reaching New Heights

It doesn't take an engine to enjoy a good flight. Flying reader Mark Coats submitted this video of glider flying in Colorado Springs. While he wanted to fly over Pikes Peak, the weather had other plans.

Want more? Head over to our "Flying Is" channel for all reader videos.

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