Flying Club Scholarship Winner Announced

** (Courtesy of Ground Effect Advisors)**

It can be tough to get a flying club off the ground, and that's why a group known as Ground Effect Advisors is addressing the problem. Today, GEA announced that Zachary Piech of Wilmington, North Carolina has won $3,500 in donated products and services to help launch his flying club, Cape Fear Flyers. GEA will also provide expert guidance in establishing rules and procedures for Piech's club.

Donations for the project, which elicited 126 applications, come from AOPA, David Clark, Sporty’s Pilot Shop, Signature Flight Support, Cirrus Aircraft, Schedule Master, PilotEdge and All the sponsors’ products and services are dedicated to getting Cape Fear Flyers started.

GEA was started when a group of Chicago-area pilots formed their own successful flying club, and wanted to pass along their experience and expertise to others trying to do the same. GEA partner Al Waterloo said, “Zach has been working [on starting his club] for over a year with little progress. As with most prospective flying clubs, navigating the complex landscape is difficult, with many bumps along the way. We are ecstatic to have the opportunity to work with Zach and the prospect of making a lasting impact on the general aviation community in the Wilmington area.”

Waterloo also said, “Zach’s application really jumped off the page at us. We found him to embody everything we were seeking: passion, vision, drive and of course, potential for sustained success.”

GEA plans to work together with AOPA in further developing the flying club idea. With costs of flying at an all time high, both organizations see clubs and other co-op ventures as a means to expand general aviation flying and open up opportunities for new and experienced pilots.

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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