Jason Blair, a longtime flight instructor, aircraft owner, and designated pilot examiner in the Kalamazoo, Michigan, area recently published two practical guides—An Aviator’s Field Guide to Buying an Airplane, and An Aviator’s Field Guide to Owning an Airplane—through ASA aimed at getting more pilots flying and keeping them flying. Blair authors the monthly Chart Wise column for Flying.
Potential aircraft owners will find the first book on buying an airplane chock full of practical insights into what it takes to locate, negotiate a price on, and close the deal on their first airplane. Blair, owner of a classic Stinson, begins with solid strategies for deciding whether buying an airplane in the first place is even practical before any money changes hands. In an era of ever-climbing prices, Blair then takes pilots through the ins and outs of deciding how to pay for their new airplane.
The second field guide looks at what a new owner can and should expect to be spending money on, as well as the reserves needed to get through some of the unexpected expenses that can pop up once you sign on the dotted line for any airplane, new or old. Blair helps prospective owners determine the full cost of aircraft ownership, select insurance, and consider tax implications. And since every airplane needs a home, he guides readers on picking the best airport, how to assess and choose aircraft storage, and how to safely move an airplane. He also covers how to manage maintenance work, find and organize important documents, manage and determine the significance of inoperative equipment, evaluate potential modifications for improved performance, upgrade avionics, overhaul or swap an engine and budget for future maintenance.
ASA’s Field Guide Series is available at many pilot shops and also direct from the publisher at ASA2fly.com.
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