Honeywell has added to the number of aircraft that can utilize it three-axis AeroCruze 230 autopilot—adding those airplanes with the BendixKing KFC 200 installed to the list. The AeroCruze 230 is now compatible with more than 35 aircraft models, including the Beechcraft Baron and Bonanza, twin Cessnas, Mooneys, and the Piper Malibu, Mirage, and Seneca. It boasts the only touchscreen autopilot interface in general aviation, according to Honeywell’s press release, and it offers automatic wings level—which will return the airplane to level flight with one button push if the pilot cannot recover from an unusual attitude, or during convective or turbulent weather. The autopilot is capable of couple approaches and altitude pre-select; a yaw damper function comes separately.
Starting at a retail price of $9,800, the AeroCruze 230 is a form-fit replacement for the BendixKing KFC 150 and KFC 200—using the servos that are already in place in the airplane. Expected downtime is reduced as a result, going from three weeks normally to just one week, according to the company. With the installation, owners get an automatic two-year addition to the warranty on their existing servos, as applicable.
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