Aviation Consumer Live: G100UL Unleaded Avgas Flight Trial
In this video, The Aviation Consumer’s Larry Anglisano talks with Jon Sisk, who recently conducted an exhaustive G100UL flight trial in his Lycoming-equipped Van’s RV-14.

Jon Sisk conducted side-by-side engine data comparisons between G100UL and 100LL. [Larry Anglisano]
While GAMI's G100UL high-octane, unleaded avgas is FAA approved for every spark-ignition engine in the agency's database, there's still some mystery as to its viability among many aircraft owners, both certified and experimental kit builders. Moreover, how does the new fuel run in a typical GA aircraft engine?
In this video, The Aviation Consumer’s Larry Anglisano Zoomed up with Audio Authority founder and CEO Jon Sisk, who recently conducted an exhaustive G100UL flight trial in his Lycoming-equipped Van's RV-14, White Lightning. Sisk made side-by-side engine data comparisons burning G100UL and 100LL and reported his findings, while offering some advice on how you can add this approved fuel to the aircraft's published operating limitations.
Editor's Note: This video was produced by Aviation Consumer magazine.

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