Though this year’s camp is virtual, the US Air Force will provide young people with dozens of opportunities to explore aviation. U.S. Air Force/Pamela Stapelton
The US Air Force’s virtual summer camp, held in partnership with Air Force Aero Clubs, runs this summer from June 14 to 25. The camp offers an introduction to aviation and highlights opportunities for careers and leadership roles within the US Air Force and Space Force. But the deadline to complete the application for this year’s camp closes soon—on April 14.
The USAF said in a news release, “While applicants for the traditional Teen Aviation Camp, normally hosted at the academy, vie for 36 positions in the camp, today’s virtual format can expand to 170 participants, allowing youth programs to deliver the opportunity to more teens and serve a variety of time zones.”
The camp helps upcoming high school students—grades 9-12—determine if a career in aviation or attendance at the U.S. Air Force Academy are paths worth pursuing. The camp offers a variety of experiences and challenges for participants, camp attendees will learn the basic principles of general aviation and explore various career possibilities, as well as get a peek into Air Force Aero Clubs.
“A combination of web-based presentations and discussion groups, along with self-paced course materials provide camp participants with the knowledge to complete the private pilot exam and begin their journey toward earning a private pilot license. This course is a combination of online learning, virtual sessions with highly qualified flight instructors and videos developed by the Aero Clubs. The program also includes an interactive, online learning platform through Jeppesen.”
Applicants must currently be in high school and not previously attended the virtual or in-person teen aviation camps. Eligible applicants include dependents of: Air Force active-duty military; Air Force Reserve; Air National Guard; Department of Defense civilian employees assigned to or working on an Air Force installation or Air Force-led joint base; and on a space-available basis, Air Force retirees.
This PDF application must be submitted by a parent or guardian no later than April 14 APRI through the AF Camps workflow box at AFSVC.SVPY.Camps@us.af.mil. More information is available here.

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