FBO Spotlight: Abilene Aero (KABI)

** Abilene Aero President Joe Crawford
standing in front of the FBO.

In our FBO Spotlight series, we're highlighting FBOs around the country that have received rave reviews from our readers. The latest Spotlight is brought to you by Clyde Davis, who recently flew into Abilene Regional Airport in a Piper Comanche PA-24. Here’s his thoughts on why the airport’s FBO, Abilene Aero, is as good as it gets.

Abilene Aero (KABI)
Abilene, Texas**__

"Returning to California from a two week trip around the country, we encountered a wall of thunderstorms in Central Texas that extended from the Mexican border to Minnesota. After giving thought to how we could get around the front, we decided to fly an approach through the eastern edge of the storm into Abilene. We were met by friendly linemen and receptionists. The facilities were well supplied and comfortable. We were given a courtesy car to go get lunch while we sorted through our options. When we decided to stay overnight they helped us get a room and rental car. But most impressive to me was that, seeing the severity of the approaching storm, they hangared my airplane without even asking and at no cost. When we came back the next morning we found that the storm had been so bad that it had blown one of the huge hangar doors off of its rollers. Unfortunately, the door was the one to be opened to get our airplane on the ramp. Undaunted, they moved several airplanes so that ours could be taken out another door. We experienced a number of excellent FBO's in our travels but this one was the best."

To learn more about this FBO, visit www.abileneaero.com.

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