Gallery: Wings Over Houston 2021

Wings Over Houston roared over Texas skies October 16 and 17, featuring demonstrations from home teams Tora! Tora! Tora! and the Commemorative Air Fore Gulf Coast Wing, as well as the USAF Thunderbirds and the Canadian Forces Snowbirds. Demos from the Lonestar Squadron and heritage flights also engaged the crowds.

A briefing for the Tora! Tora! Tora! and Commemorative Air Force pilots review safety items critical to the show’s success. Jim Allen
Sunrise glows over an A-26 from the Tora! Tora! Tora! group. Jim Allen
A pair of young aviation enthusiasts promote EAA Young Eagles flights at the show. Jim Allen
The Aero Spacelines Super Guppy can hold a lot of baggage—it’s the successor to the Pregnant Guppy in lifting outsized cargo. Jim Allen
A pilot relaxes atop a de Havilland DHC-5 Buffalo for a spell. Jim Allen
The B-17 Texas Raiders from the Commemorative Air Force Gulf Coast Wing give the crowd a glimpse of the past. Jim Allen
Pulling the props through prior to engine start on the B-17 Texas Raiders. Jim Allen
The USAF Thunderbirds F-16 Fighting Falcons parade in precise formation over the show center. Jim Allen
The crew of the USAF Thunderbirds shows a little camaraderie on the flight line. Jim Allen
The F-22 Raptor Demo Team gives a taste of what the fighter aircraft can do. Jim Allen
Unique birds such as the Fieseler Storch are one reason folks attend air shows—to learn about the broad range of aircraft in our skies. Jim Allen
The C-17 Globemaster makes a proud demonstration of the armed forces’ lifting capacity. Jim Allen
Popular aerobatic performers such as Debbie Rihn-Harvey make complex maneuvers look easy and fun. Rihn-Harvey sits on the Wings Over Houston board of directors. Jim Allen
The Canadian Forces Snowbird Demonstration Team flies its CT-114 Tudors in a stunning display. Jim Allen
The Houston-based Lonestar Squadron flies a mixed blend of Van’s Aircraft RVs in formations of six to nine aircraft for the show. Jim Allen
The North American P-51D Mustang Shangri-La flies with the Tora! Tora! Tora! living history museum. Jim Allen
A heritage flight features the F-22 Raptor and the P-51D Mustang in a moving presentation of aviation history. Jim Allen
John and Shane McGillis perform in their first air show routine in front of their home crowd at Wings Over Houston. Jim Allen
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