Icing Encounter: Home from Palm Springs

Snapshots of a trip back from Palm Springs, California (KPSP), to Austin Executive (KEDC). (Photography by Isabel Goyer)

A hundred miles later, the clouds thinned and despite high winds, the ride remained remarkably smooth. [Isabel Goyer]
Approaching Midland, Texas, the clouds began to thin and we got occasional glimpses of the ground, some of them geometrical. [Isabel Goyer]
The peaks in Guadalupe National Park are spectacular even from 11,000 feet. [Isabel Goyer]
Beyond Midland and approaching Junction, Texas, the combination of late afternoon light and a perfectly scattered and even cloud deck led to the most brilliant show of sun rays I've ever seen. [Isabel Goyer]
Who said there are no straight lines in nature? The West Texas horizon and the perfectly smooth cloud deck say otherwise. [Isabel Goyer]
One of the advantages of the gorgeous silver wings on the Cirrus: they get painted the colors of the sky. [Isabel Goyer]
Nearing Austin, this was my welcome home. Who could ask for more?

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