A Reader’s Heads-Up: GAMI’s G100UL Is Also a Player

Referring to last week's report on Swift Fuel's news of achieving 102 octane (click here), reader J. Davis took the editor to task, and e-mailed: "GAMI has been claiming for some time that their fuel also does this with some advantages over Swift Fuel." General Aviation Modifications Inc., famous for their fuel injectors, has indeed been working hard on its own version of a 100LL replacement. George Braly, cofounder of GAMI is active in the research and has expressed frustration on the foot-dragging that has stymied its progress. He contends that at least one version of his G100UL could be produced with the chemicals and infrastructure in use today. On the practical aspects of putting G100UL into production, his website reports: "Not exotic or particularly hard to do. If it were approved, and certification ready for use, any refinery could build a million or 10 million gallons of at least one version and ship it in a relatively short time frame. Something like 90-120 days." On the logjam at FAA, he writes: "the matter is sitting on the desk at 800 Independence Ave. awaiting a signature. Lots of good people have helped on this. Including lots of people inside the FAA."

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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