Harrison Ford Lends Celebrity Power to Fight for GA

Harrison Ford was on Capital Hill Tuesday meeting with the Senate General Aviation Caucus and lending his star power to general aviation advocacy.

The actor joined the bipartisan group of senators to discuss some of the most pressing issues currently facing GA, including the dismantling of the BARR (Blocked Aircraft Registration Request) program, the future of avgas and the subject of user fees.

The meeting comes at a turbulent time for the aviation community, amidst recent proposals that user fees and an extended aircraft depreciation schedule be used to help fill government budget shortfalls.

Leading members of the GA community, including AOPA President Craig Fuller, ** NBAA** President Ed Bolen and GAMA President Pete Bunce, to name a few, have stood up against these policies at major aviation events in recent weeks, including last week's NBAA convention in Las Vegas.

Ford, who was in attendance in Vegas, stressed the importance of spreading awareness of all that GA does for local communities and economies.

“Aviation has made this country what it is today,” Ford said during the convention.


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