FAA Plans Upgraded Aircraft Registration Requirements

Citing a need to bolster the accuracy of its aircraft registration database, the FAA is proposing new registration parameters. Under the proposed rules, all aircraft currently registered would need to be re-registered; and that registration renewed at three-year intervals. The FAA maintains that more than 27,500 of the 240,000 active aircraft registered have inaccurate information (an estimated 100,000-plus currently registered aircraft are thought to be inactive and would not qualify for registration). The new provisions are expected to roughly halve the number of inaccurately registered active aircraft. The FAA cites concerns from law enforcement and government security agencies about use of private aircraft by drug runners and potential terrorists. Comments on the proposal are due by May 28 and can be e-mailed to the Department of Transportation docket website at dot.gov. Docket number is FAA-2008-0188, Notice No. 08-02.

Mark Phelps is a senior editor at AVweb. He is an instrument rated private pilot and former owner of a Grumman American AA1B and a V-tail Bonanza.

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