S-Tec Introduces Robinson R44 Autopilot

S-Tec introduced a version of its HeliSAS helicopter stability augmentation system and autopilot for the Robinson R44 series, bringing big-helicopter capability to the piston rotorcraft market for the first time.

The system's two-axis autopilot provides heading and nav hold as well as vertical speed and altitude hold modes. HeliSAS provides attitude stabilization and force feel features that improve handling and mitigate inadvertent cyclic control inputs that could result in dangerous attitudes.

In addition to the R44 series the HeliSAS system is certified for installation on Bell 206B, 206L and 407 helicopters as well as the Airbus Helicopters EC130 and AS350.

HeliSAS for the Robinson R44 series is priced at $40,752 for SAS only and $50,279 for SAS with two-axis autopilot. S-Tec parent company Genesys Aerosystems said today at Oshkosh that deliveries are scheduled to start in the fourth quarter.

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