A Wild Time for Airline Contracts

Some of the recent contracts offered by airlines are nothing short of stunning. Here’s what it could mean for aspiring pilots.

Sam Weigel says some of the recent contract moves by airlines are more than surprising.

In this week's edition of "V1 Rotate," Sam Weigel takes us through what's been a wild couple of weeks as it relates to airline contracts and what it all might mean for aspiring pilots.

NOTE: The opinions expressed here are Sam Weigel's alone and do not necessarily reflect those of Flying Media Group.

Sam Weigel has been an airplane nut since an early age, and when he's not flying the Boeing 737 for work, he enjoys going low and slow in vintage taildraggers. He and his wife live west of Seattle, where they are building an aviation homestead on a private 2,400-foot grass airstrip.

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