Women Mechanic Numbers Climb at Van Nuys

Women make up a larger than average percentage of mechanics at VNAC. North Valley Occupational Center

The Los Angeles Unified School District, working closely with the Van Nuys Aviation Center and Clay Lacy Aviation said recent program opportunities for female mechanics at the LAUSD’s top training program show the percentage of women in the A&P program at Van Nuys – 10 percent – far exceeds the national average for women employed in the industry – 2.3 percent. Clay Lacy Aviation last week awarded $10,000 in scholarships to some of the 150 students enrolled to further their education at the VNAC.

Gearing students to be ready for high-skilled, high-paying jobs in the aviation industry, Clay Lacy Aviation awarded the cash to high school students of the only program of its kind in California. Since 2015, Clay Lacy Aviation has awarded $40,800 in financial assistance to 100 students to help defray the costs of tuition, books, tools and certification exams at the AV-Center.

Founded in 1973, the AV-Center is open to adults and students over age 16 and holds both day and evening classes. The school offers a combination of classroom lecture and shop-oriented projects, with facilities that allow students to work on propeller aircraft, helicopters and jets – including a retired Learjet 24 and Gulfstream GIISP donated by Clay Lacy Aviation. Annual tuition is $1,200 for full-time students, who can complete the program in two years. Graduates who pass the required FAA licensing examination in general airframe and aircraft powerplant become mechanics and enjoy a job placement rate of more than 95 percent.

Rob MarkAuthor
Rob Mark is an award-winning journalist, business jet pilot, flight instructor, and blogger.

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