The Bob Hoover Legacy Foundation (BHLF), under the guidance of President Tracy Forrest and Chairman Michael Herman announced their plan to petition the United States Postal Service to honor the late Robert A. ‘Bob’ Hoover with a commemorative postage stamp on his 100th birthday in 2022.
The Foundation began this multi-year process with the USPS as a way to better inform and inspire America about how Hoover's heroic service to the nation bettered their lives. The foundation also hopes this effort may serve as an inspiration to young people who want to leave their own mark upon the world.
The Bob Hoover Legacy Foundation is reaching out to the aviation industry to support their campaign to seek postal service recognition of Bob and will request endorsements, undertake online and in-person petition drives, and encourage media support as the campaign for this honor escalates in the coming months.
The Bob Hoover Legacy Foundation is a 501c3 organization conceived and formed by R.A. Bob Hoover, in 2016, to perpetuate Bob’s life-long dedication to aviation learning and safety, and to inspire those qualities in succeeding generations of American aviators.
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