FAA Issues Policy on Airport Homes: Win for Owners

The FAA last week decided to grandfather in existing airport access to residents of hangar homes so long as the airport develops a security plan for that access. The policy on so-called "through-the-fence" agreements continues to oppose new access at airports that receive federal funds, though the agency takes no stance on airports that are wholly privately funded.

The new policy will, in essence, allow residents of airport residential tracts continued access from their homes. It will require, however, a comprehensive plan on the part of the airport authority to ensure that the policy is safe and fair. While the FAA seems to understand that most of the airplanes that are housed in hangar homes are not security threats, there is no weight or size limit to the kinds of airplanes that could be housed in a residential airpark. There are, in fact, a few well known examples of celebrity owned converted airliners that are kept at such airport communities. Also of concern to the FAA is the way that airport users pay their share, and the authorities will be tasked to report on its methods to guarantee fair treatment of tenants on both sides of the fence. To check out the FAA's policy announcement, click here.


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