NAA Announces Collier Trophy Nominations

Robert J. Collier Trophy National Air and Space Museum Archives, Smithsonian Institution

The National Aeronautic Association has announced the nine aerospace projects and accomplishments selected to compete for the 2015 Robert J. Collier Trophy.

Airbus A350 XWB, Blue Origin’s New Shepard Team, C-5M Super Galaxy, Dawn Project Team, HA-420 HondaJet, ICON A5, New Horizons Project Team, Two Eagles Balloon Team and UCAS-D Autonomous Aerial Refueling Demonstration were chosen as this year’s nominees. The 2014 Collier Trophy went to Gulfstream Aerospace for its development of the G650.

“The Collier is the Super Bowl of the world’s aerospace industry, and this list of nominees certainly reflects it,” says Jim Albaugh, chairman of the National Aeronautic Association and chairman of the Selection Committee.

Awarding benchmark aerospace achievement for 104 years, past winners of the Collier Trophy include the crews of Apollo 11 and 8, the Mercury 7, Scott Crossfield, Elmer Sperry, Howard Hughes, the B-52, the Polaris Missile, the Surveyor Moon Landing Program, the Boeing 747, the Cessna Citation, the F-22 and the International Space Station.

Albaugh will lead the selection committee, which consists of a 31 representatives from various organizations in the aerospace industry, and Jonathan Gaffney, president and CEO of NAA, who will serve as director of the selection process and as a non-voting committee member.

On Tuesday, March 8, the committee will meet in Arlington, Virginia, and the winner will be announced that evening at the NAA Spring Awards Dinner at the Crystal Gateway Marriott.

At a later date, the NAA will announce the formal presentation of the Collier Trophy.


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