FLYING Media Group Launches Internship Opportunities

This year, FMG introduces a new set of internship programs, offering hands-on training and exposure for individuals passionate about aviation.

[Courtesy: ICON Aircraft]

The world of aviation is vast, and FLYING Media Group (FMG) is all about diving deep into its many areas. This year, FMG introduces a new set of internship programs, offering hands-on training and exposure for individuals passionate about aviation.

Every selected intern can look forward to:

  • A rewarding nine-month internship, dedicating 20 hours each week to hone their skills.
  • Earning a competitive wage of $15 per hour, a testament to the unparalleled learning and growth opportunities.
  • The unique chance to work at prominent events: Sun 'n Fun 2024 and AirVenture 2024, shoulder-to-shoulder with the seasoned FLYING Media team.

The application window is narrow. Candidates are urged to submit their resume, cover letter, and portfolio (if available) promptly. Interviews will be scheduled from September 10 through September 23, with the internship officially commencing on October 6. 

Internship Tracks

Social Media Internship with a Video Focus

Location: Either in-person in Chattanooga, Tennessee, or remotely.

This internship is perfect for those who have a knack for visual storytelling. Interns will:

  • Craft and edit both long-form and short-form video content.
  • Adapt to various digital platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.
  • Have the privilege of working with classic aviation content, reimagining it for today's audience.

Requirements: A love for aviation, adeptness at video editing, and familiarity with the nuances of different social platforms.

Social Media Internship with an Editorial Focus

Location: Either in-person in Chattanooga, Tennessee, or remote

Budding writers will find this internship aligning with their passion:

  • They'll curate daily content, encompassing breaking news to in-depth features.
  • Keeping pace with digital trends and optimizing engagement metrics will be a key task.
  • They’ll also foster real-time interaction with the FLYING Media community.

Requirements: Strong narrative skills, an understanding of the power of social media, and a commitment to journalistic standards.

Social Media Internship with a Marketplace/Finance Focus

Location: Either in-person in Chattanooga, Tennessee, or remote.

This role is for those at the intersection of commerce, finance, and aviation:

  • They'll create campaigns highlighting Aircraft For Sale (AFS) listings and trends.
  • Serving as a repository for knowledge related to aircraft transactions and financial nuances will be a significant part of the role.
  • The role will also emphasize on content that bolsters brand prominence and trust.

Requirements: A solid grounding in finance, an interest in aviation business, and a proactive approach to tracking industry shifts.

This is not just another internship; it's an invitation to be part of a legacy. FLYING Media Brands extends this opportunity for ambitious individuals to chart their journey in the vast skies of aviation media. With a rich heritage to back them and a future of limitless possibilities, this might just be the launching pad many have been waiting for.

More details about the program and how to apply may be found here.

Kevin Cortes is the Director of Audience Development of FLYING Media Group and a private pilot. Previously, he worked at AOPA and led the social media team at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. Connect with him on Twitter at @_kevincortes_.

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