Robinson Helicopter Co. is introducing glass cockpit choices for the R22, R44 and R66 models based around an Aspen Avionics EFIS package paired with optional Garmin GTN 600/700 touch-screen navigators.
The basic cockpit includes an Aspen primary flight display and multifunction display that interface with several optional components, including Garmin GTR 225B comm radio, GMA 350H audio panel, GDL 88 universal access transceiver (UAT) and GTX 330ES transponder.
The GTX 330ES transponder is designed to meet ADS-B Out equipment requirements when paired with a GTN series navigator, and the GDL 88 UAT provides dual-band ADS-B In for receiving traffic and weather information. The GTN series navigators are installed in Robinson's pilot side console, placing the equipment directly in front of the pilot to minimize head-down time.
Robinson says it has completed FAA flight tests and received approval for most of the new equipment. The helicopter maker is in the final stages of certification for a few remaining combinations, it says. Traditional instruments will continue to be offered across the model range.
The new avionics will be on display at Robinson's booth at Heli-Expo, February 25-27 at the Anaheim Convention Center in California.
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