
Out of Mobile, Thunderstorms Looming

A Cessna CJ provides a perfect vantage point for some beautiful sky views.

I flew out of Fairhope, Alabama, the other night in a CJ and was witness to one of the most spectacular displays of cloud and storm I’ve ever seen.

If you’re averse to sunset pictures, however dramatic, skip right on by. But if you’re interested in seeing some pretty pictures of some amazing scenery as we climbed out over Mobile Bay, then click away.

(Check out the photo gallery here.)

The section opens up with a short video of our departure out of Fairhope in a light rain shower.

That was pretty, too. Another little movie here is that of a traffic sighting, a 757 passing within a thousand feet or so while we were at 40,000 feet. The closure rate is eye opening. You probably won’t be able to see the airplane until it’s quite close.

This is why I’m a fan of RVSM.


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