
Sporty’s Cirrus Vision Jet Charity Auction Raises Over $687,000

Auction idea keeps charity money within the aviation industry.

An anonymous bidder who offered $2.615 million last Friday was named the winner of Sporty’s Vision Jet auction at AirVenture, a partnership idea between the world-famous pilot shop and Cirrus Aircraft.

Sporty’s offered its early delivery position of a Cirrus Vision Jet with a plan to hand over any dollar amount above the airplane’s $1,927,653 list price. The math showed the difference as $687,000, a portion of which will go to the Sporty’s Foundation that funds programs and scholarships to support the educational efforts of the next generation of pilots and technicians. Cirrus plans to split its share of the cash between AirSpace Minnesota and the Duluth Children’s Museum.

“We have the best possible outcome for this auction,” said Sporty’s founder and chairman Hal Shevers. “We hosted a successful auction, and the money will stay within the aviation community and be used to inspire young people in aviation and STEM subjects.”

The winning bidder is expected to take delivery of the new Vision Jet within the next 90 days.


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